Castle Primary School

'Adventure Together; Learn Forever'

Parents/Carers are invited to meet their child's class teaching team 3.20-3.40pm: Yrs 3&4 09/09, Yrs 1&2 10/09, Reception 11/09. Yr5 and Yr6 12/09

Letter to parents re school procedures and Covid-19

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are all aware that the situation with Covid-19 is a rapidly changing picture throughout the country.  With this in mind we have been updating our response to the situation following the daily support from Devon County Council and the Public Health England.  We have reviewed and updated our systems of cleaning and hygiene in school and are encouraging increased personal hygiene from the children.

Possible school closure

Please be aware the school will remain open for as long as it is deemed safe to do so by Public Health England. However, the additional advice from government which is likely to have an impact on schools and industry is anyone with a “new, continuous” cough or high temperature is now advised to self- isolate for seven days.

This new emphasis may well lead to an increase in staff and student absence. With regards to staff absence I need to make you aware that dependent upon the level of staff absence it may result in a partial or full closure of the school.

If we have to shut the school, the process is as follows

Once we re-open we will inform you through text and the school web site

We understand that closure is inconvenient for all and will have an impact on your child’s education. 

To reduce this impact, our plans are as follows

We advise you try and keep some sort of normality, I know this is a hard one, through doing some of the following.

  • We will update the school web site with work for your child to complete – this will be in the class pages.
  • Do some of the activities from the class home work sheet
  • IF your child has an electronic reading scheme please get them to access books through this
  • Yr 6 staff will ensure there is work from the SATs companion scheme ready for the children
  • We are in the process of setting up new class email accounts so if needed we can communicate through this new system – more information to follow.





We have taken the decision to cancel the Easter holiday club provided through Primary Sports.  This is part of our increased infection control routines in line with the government strategy.

If you are considering travelling during the Easter period, we advise you check on the government web site before doing so.

The Department for Education continues to keep schools updated on the government’s response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and have launched a new Coronavirus helpline to answer questions about COVID-19 related to education. Staff, parents and young people can contact the helpline as follows: Phone 08000468687, opening hours are 8:00am to 6:00pm (Monday to Friday) or via email at


Kind regards the school team.
