Castle Primary School

'Adventure Together; Learn Forever'

School returns on Wednesday 4th September - Tuesday 3rd is a non-pupil day.

Year 1

Lunchtime is looking different today! Trays, buckets, pots, teapots.... anything we can find full of cold water to play with! We're keeping cool in the shade of the trees and slowing down!

Summer Term- Paws, Claws, Leaves and Whiskers

We have been learning about microhabitats this week and have made our own bug hotels. We hope the insects will like them...

Look how tall our sunflowers are...

The children have been learning about habitats and finding out about where minibeasts like to live and why.

We have been learning to keep a pulse and to play some notes in music.

What a perfect day for splashing around!!!

We have been busy making watches to help our learning on time.

Todays visitors...... Stick insects!

Today we have been exploring the sense of taste. We learnt about bitter, sour, sweet, spicy and salty. What a lovely morning!

We have been learning about the human body and our senses in Science this week.

Look at our writing! We've became such chick experts that we can write our own non-fiction text!

We had a real giggle today trying to weigh the chicks! They kept jumping out the balance scales! We also measured their wings, feet, legs and height using a tape measure..

We can't stop thinking about birds in Year 1! One of our Year 1's has made a fantastic bird box with her Daddy and another has been watching some chicks hatch in a nest in her garden. We've loved seeing these today.

Our chicks have grown so much since our last update. They are much more active and have started to grow feathers on their wings!

We're up to 8 chicks! Today we enjoyed our first cuddle with the chicks!

We now have seven chicks! We've had to learn how to look after them. We have transferred them to their new home.

Two of our eggs hatched today!!! We've had such an exciting afternoon! We set up our visualiser and did a TEAMs call so the whole school could watch! 2 hatched...8 to go!

Our new visitors have arrived! We can't wait for them to hatch!

We are waiting for our tadpoles to turn into frogs! We are learning lots about amphibians as they change.

We explored a shedded snake skin while we were learning about reptiles.

Peggy the puppy visited us to help us to learn about mammals!

Home learning for lockdown.

Home Learning

Please find our home learning videos on the Video Resource Centre section of the website

(Menu> Children> Video Resource Centre.)

Spring term- Sail away!
Remembrance day
Autumn Term- Jingle all the way!
We wrote to Santa and he wrote back!

Merry Christmas from Year 1!

 (Do you like our hats?! We made them ourselves!)

What beautiful Nativity scenes!
As part of our DT learning, we made sleighs. We looked at existing ones and designed one. We then wrote instructions on how to make a sleigh for another class. We had a great time and particularly enjoyed using the glue guns!
Autumn term- Superheroes!!!
We have been learning from the story of Supertato. From making traps for evil peas to helping troublesome veggies escape from the ice, we have explored it all!
The day the evil peas came to town!
One day we arrived in Class and there were signs that the evil peas had crept in over night and had stolen Jigsaw Jack! They had left a note so we got busy writing letters, making posters, setting traps and searching for clues! 
Making our own Superveggies!!!
We thought that Supertato needed some help! We used our Design and Technology learning to design and make him some new friends. Here they are! Superveggies to the rescue!
We have been learning from the story of Superworm. For our Science learning, we had a problem to solve! Poor old Superworm was under an evil spell and had to dig all day long! we thought about ways to help him and came up with the idea of making goggles! We thought about what the goggles needed to be like, we predicted which materials would be best, tested, drew conclusions and created! Here we are in our goggles!
Juniper Jupiter!
Our new story is Juniper Jupiter. We are writing a part of the story which says what the perfect side kick is like. We will be making our own portraits of our perfect sidekick. Here's our first try at drawing portraits like an artist.
We have thought about what is not so good about some of the sidekick candidates. Here's our writing.
Other learning
Here we are enjoying our learning!