Castle Primary School

'Adventure Together; Learn Forever'

Year 1/2

Welcome to our class page

We look forward to working with you all this year and hope you find our class page helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.


Mrs Ballard/Mrs Clark:

Miss Chapman:

Mrs Rivett/Mrs Clark:


On this page we will share information, work and photographs of your child's learning journey throughout the year. We hope you enjoy sharing in their learning with us

A copy of our Autumn topic can be found below under the heading 'Topic' Overviews'. 


Our PE days are on a Monday and a Tuesday. Your child will need to come to school in their PE kit on these days. Please ensure your child also has a water bottle, a coat and their book bags with their Read Write Inc packs in everyday. 


Best Wishes

The Year 1/2 Team 


Autumn 2 home learning

Learning the Recorder

This term years one and two have been learning to play the recorder in our music lessons. They have learned the notes B, A and G. 


The videos below are 1/2 DR/EC playing two different tunes they have learned this term. 

Hot cross buns

Still image for this video

Mary had a little lamb

Still image for this video

Science Week. As part of Science week, we were fortunate enough to have some scientists from Fizz Pop in to visit us. We were able to have an interactive assembly and workshops which were informative and so much fun!

We now have ten chicks! This afternoon we took them out of the incubator for a short time to hold them. 

Living Eggs. We had 10 eggs delivered on Monday and now, on Wednesday, we have 7 baby chicks......We have been lucky enough to actually see them hatch!

Today we went on a train ride in our hall! We had money to spend, tickets, refreshments, sounds effects and beautiful views! What a great start to our new book 'The Train Ride'.

Making 3D Birds


Our art topic this term has been focused around birds. The children made observational drawings of birds and feathers and practiced shading to create different effects. 


All of these skills were then put together to make a wonderful 3-dimensional bird, using foam board for the body, pastels and pencils to shade and paper effects for the feathers. 

We have been learning about what Remembrance day means. We chose some special words which meant a lot to us about remembrance and then made poppies over the top.

Science- Which material is the most suitable for making a waterproof coat for the Gingerbread Man?

Computing- Learning to use a mouse pad and keyboard.

DT project!


We began by becoming detectives and finding out who Wilfred Emmanuel Jones is. We drew what we thought.

We found out that he is a farmer and he had lost his chicks! We went on a hunt to find them!

We decided that he needed a chicken coop! We set about exploring what a chicken coop is and what it needs to be like.

Next we explored making chicken coops out of different things. We turned into big bad wolves and tried to blow them down! We got handy hints along the way about how to make a strong paper structure.

We evaluated our product at the end against our success criteria. What a lovely project! The chicks are safe at last!

African Drumming!

We were visited by some African drummers and they taught us how to dance! We LOVED it!

History of communication!

We have been learning about how people communicated in the past and present. We have tried out old phones, looked at Braille, sign language and even entered our own caves to communicate through cave art!

Science- Materials!

We have been finding, classifying and considering the uses of materials.
