Castle Primary School
'Adventure Together; Learn Forever'
Welcome to our class page!
Here you will find out about what we are learning in class. You will also find the current home learning in case you need it if you are at home. If you have any queries, please do contact me on
I will aim to get back to you as promptly as I can.
Enjoy browsing!
Mrs Plumley
Year 6, here's the link to the dance to learn!
We are very excited to be setting off on our new journey back to the Americas, learning about the civilization of the Maya! We will be drawing upon learning last year on the Vikings and contrasting and comparing the two civilizations. We will be posting our learning journey on here so you can keep up with our adventures! Please also ask your child what they are learning as the more they talk about their new knowledge and use the vocabulary they are learning, the more they will remember!
Please see below for details on the knowledge and the skills that we will be developing over the next seven weeks. There are so many exciting (and sometimes gory) facts to learn!
"We had great fun this morning as it was our 'hook' morning which introduces us into the topic. We were all excited to learn more about the Mayans. We started by writing down what we know already (this was not a lot!), and then wrote some questions about what we would like to find out about. We then split into small groups and worked our way around the activities. Here's a list of them:
1. Mayan maths
2. Mayan glyph making!
3. Locating Mayan civilizations on a globe (the large blow-up globe popped!)
4. Ordering events on a timeline
We had a really good morning and cannot wait to learn more about the Mayans!" Ben (Year 5).
"Today in our reading session we looked at an instruction text about the ancient Mayan ball game Pok-A-Tok. The main task was to decipher the rules of the game so we could just go straight out and play it. After we had read it and talked about it in small groups, we went outside on the playground to play it! Two people had to hold a hoop at each end of the pitch and then the players had to get the ball to the other side of the pitch or through the hoops. The hard thing about it was that we could not use our feet or hands! It was so hard! We can see why it was such a dangerous game! We were very glad that Mrs Plumley said that the losers were not going to be sacrificed to the gods as this is what some archaeologists and historians believed happened all those years ago!" (Bryony and Keira)
We will be completing a Science unit of work between now and Easter. This will be called 'LIGHT UP' and incorporates learning about electricity which the children have already started in lockdown, and light. We are looking forward to getting 'hands-on' over the next few weeks! It'll be ELECTRIFYING!
See below for the skills and knowledge that we will be learning and practising.
There is also a list of vocabulary below which the children will be learning over the course of the unit. It would be really helpful if they were to discuss some of these words with you and try to use them as much as possible!
It is so good to have the whole class back in! It has been so lovely and doesn't even feel like we have been away. We are all looking forward to getting back 'into the flow' of classroom life again. :)
Our new topic is called SECRETS OF SOUTH AMERICA! This is a very exciting topic that will take us on a journey half way around the world to South America. There is lots to be learnt about this dazzling continent. See below for our topic overview.
Friday 25th September
What a fabulous few weeks we have had being back in school! The kids have settled back in so well and are full of smiles each day. It is so lovely to be back to some kind of 'normal'!
We have started on our topic of 'Let's Unite' where we have already studied the geography of Tiverton, talked about the uses of the rivers around us and looked at the features of rivers. The children have made their own rivers using black bin liners and anything they could find around Geoff's outside office - you may have seen them if you are on the Wave gate. The children used the new technical vocabulary to explain what was happening to the water as it flowed down the slopes.
In our writing and reading sessions, the children have been studying 'A River' by Marc Martin. We have identified descriptive features that have been used to paint a picture in the reader's minds and tried to recreate a similar description to explain the journey of a river. They are really beginning to take shape. We hope that next week we will have some artwork to accompany their writing. We hope to post some of their work once they are complete so watch this space!
In maths, we have been revising our understanding of number including place value, rounding and negative numbers. We have tried to get outside to do our maths as much as possible whilst the weather is on our side!
I will be putting photos of the children's work onto the website from next week so you can keep up with what they are doing.
What an awesome start to a rather interesting year! :)