Castle Primary School

'Adventure Together; Learn Forever'

The Halloween Disco is on Thursday 24th October. Please make sure you've booked your child's place via School Gateway.


The children had a fantastic day dressed up as pirates. They enjoyed taking on the role as being a pirate and loved learning how to talk like a pirate. They had a day filled with fun activities including treasure hunts, pirate games, pirate art and building pirate ships in the construction area.

This term we have been learning about under the sea. We have learnt about different sea creatures, explored fossils and have created some beach collage art work.

We have been learning about minibeasts. We enjoyed our visit from the Tiverton Bee Keepers and liked finding out interesting bee facts. We also had fun trying some different types of honey and we used our senses to explore.

This week we had a lovely trip to the Canal. The children enjoyed exploring our local environment. They had a great time pond dipping and were very interested in checking what they had found on the information sheets.

This week we have enjoyed learning about our topic 'Living and Growing'. We have explored different activities including making flower potions in the mud kitchen, digging in our garden area, playing in our outside farm shop and making flowers with playdough.

We had a fun trip at Plymouth Aquarium. We all loved seeing all the different sea creatures and learning facts about them.

World Book Day

This week we have had lots of fun learning about Africa and creating African patterns. We have enjoyed exploring different activities inside and outside.

What have we been up to in EYFS?

This week we have enjoyed exploring our topic 'where in the world would you go'. We have looked at the story 'Handa's Surprise and we have learned about Kenya in Africa. We had lots of fun trying the different fruits from the story.

The children were brilliant this week, they really did us proud in performing their first Nativity. Well done everyone!

We have had fun week learning about the book 'Stick Man' and have enjoyed exploring winter activities.

This week we have enjoyed learning about the book 'It's my Birthday'. We have worked hard exploring different birthday activities. We loved making cakes on Friday.

Children In Need - celebrating all things spotty by dressing in spots, decorating Pudsey Bear and making spotty toast.

We have started our new topic 'Celebrations', we have learnt about Halloween, Bonfire Night and Remembrance Day.

What a fantastic first half term in school! The children have settled in so well and are doing brilliantly.

This week we have had fun exploring and learning through a variety of activities inside and outside.

We have had a busy week exploring different activities and playing with our friends.

The children have settled in so well, a fantastic second week at school!

Our First Week at Castle Primary School

Topic Overviews

Phonics - Read Write Inc

Useful Websites
