Castle Primary School

'Adventure Together; Learn Forever'

2DR / GG

Welcome to our class page! 

On this page we will be sharing class news and some of the learning which we are doing.  You will also find links to the term’s Learning Overview and some Home Learning activities linked what we are learning in school - in case you need it if you are absent from school.


READING: a vital key to helping your child learn and progress. Children need their book bags in school every day.  Please support your child with their reading at home – the ideal is for your child to read with an adult 5 times per week at home and that this is recorded in their Reading Diary.  Reading books are changed up to three times a week in school. However, you can read anything additional with your child - magazines, recipes, signs, picture books etc!


If you have any queries, please do contact us on:



We will try to get back to you as promptly as we can.


Mrs Rivett & Mrs Greatrex
Parent Overviews

Under the Canopy

Science - Living Things and their Habitats

This is our new science topic for the Summer Term.  We've had a very interesting talk about what makes something ‘alive’. We found out about how the life processes are different for animals and plants.  We then discussed whether particular things around us were living, dead or non-living – giving reasons for our decisions. The children asked some really good questions and gave some well-considered answers to those asked of them.

They then had some picture cards to sort - was the thing in the picture alive, dead, or never been alive?


Identifying common animals and plants - We have been finding what plants and animals we can name.

We have been learning about food chains.  Here are some that we created in small groups:


In English we are using the book 'What Do You Do With a Tail Like This?'

We are going to innovate a new story called 'What Do You Do With a Hat Like This?'  So we have been thinking about hats: different types, who wears them and why?  Here is our hat collection. We enjoyed parading them for Mrs Noble and the Office ladies....

Hats, hats, hats.....

Design and Technology: Cooking and Nutrition.


We spent some time looking at different fruit and vegetables naming them and discussing if we had tasted them before and what they were like. The children then had to sort the fruit and vegetables into those that grew above the ground and those that grew below the ground. At the end of the session we discussed our thoughts and findings.



We discussed the principles of a healthy and varied diet. We looked at an example of an Eatwell Plate and thought about how we could get 5 fruit and vegetables a day into our diet. We discussed how sometimes we can get a number of vegetables in one dish like a salad. The children then had a go at tasting Coleslaw, Potato salad and Beetroot Salad. The children thought about what vegetables were in each and where they grew, linking back to our previous learning. The children voted for their favourite.


The children have been using the skills of peeling and chopping to make their own Potato Salad which they really enjoyed. It was delicious!

We then went on to make our own fruit salads, the children really enjoyed making them and especially enjoyed eating the watermelon!

Home Learning

We are using The Gingerbread Man as our text in English and will be writing our own versions of the story. We had a competition to design and colour a Gingerbread Man - they are all winners!

We have been busy getting into the Christmas spirit. Ho! Ho! Ho!

Remembrance Day

Yellow Day (Mental Health Awareness Day) - Friday 9th October

Class School Councillors
Class Eco Warriors