Castle Primary School

'Adventure Together; Learn Forever'

School returns on Wednesday 4th September - Tuesday 3rd is a non-pupil day.

Welcome to Castle Primary School

About Us


Our school motto is ‘Adventure together; Learn forever’ and we aim to provide a relevant, interesting, varied and challenging curriculum for all pupils at Castle School by encouraging:


Consideration: Promoting respect and understanding of ourselves, our community and our planet.


Aspiration: Enabling children to see the world of opportunities around them and encouraging them to seek and embrace these.


Self-sufficiency: Developing learners who are equipped to make decisions about their learning and life both in and beyond the classroom.


Teamwork: Promoting an awareness of their place in the community and making a positive contribution to it.


Lifelong Learning: Fostering a love of learning and a thirst for knowledge.


Excellence: Promoting high standards in English and Mathematics which can be applied across all areas of the curriculum. 

If you would like more information or an appointment to view our school, please don't hesitate to contact us.
