Castle Primary School

'Adventure Together; Learn Forever'

Year 3 - Miss Willey

Welcome to our Year 3 class page.


On this page you will find the overview of our learning for each term. I will also be uploading photographs of experiences, learning and examples of pupil's work.


Please do contact me through the class email if you have any questions.


Please remember our class will be doing PE on Tuesday and Friday each week and the pupils will need to come into school in PE uniform, which is a white t-shirt, black shorts or leggings/jogging trousers. 


Please ensure pupils have their school jumper and a coat, a water bottle and their reading record with them each day.


Science Week 13th March 2023

Today to start off our science week we had a visit where we put into practice some of the science learning we have been doing about forces.  Check out the pictures below.  The children really enjoyed their ride on the hoverboard!

3RW Hoverboarding!

Hot Air Balloon Launch


World Book Day 2023


We had a fantastic time on world books day learning about our reading superpowers and sharing some of our favourite books.  We also had a go at reimagining some of our favourite stories to create new stories.  We also had a lot of fun with our costumes.

Ancient Egyptians

History Trip to the RAMM 10th January 2023


Year 3 had a fantastic day out on Tuesday visiting the Royal Albert Memorial Museum in Exeter where we leart lots of interesting facts about ancient Egypt and the ancient Egyptians.  We had a workshop on mummification, a tour around the museum when we saw Shep-en-Mut's sarcophagus and x-ray!  We also spent time learning an ancient Egyptian gamd and discovering lots about their animals, gods and beliefs.  We were so proud of the children throughout the day and the staff at the RAMM commented on how wonderful their behaviour was and how inquisitive and knowledgeabe they were.  The children were a real credit to our school!  Well done!

12th December 2022 - Final Week of 2022


What a busy term it has been!  


The children have worked so hard this term and have done a lot of great learning across all areas of the curriculum.  Before we break up for a well deserved holiday, we still have many exciting times planned for this week and we look forward to celebrating the festive period with both children and parents!


Tuesday 13th December - Carol Service

Wedenseday 14th December - KS2 Christmas Craft Morning 9.30 - 11.45

Thursday 15th December - School Christmas Lunch (children and staff only - sorry parents!)

Friday 16th December - Last day of term and the year

Science - Light - Exploring Shadows

This term our science learning is about light and we have started investigating how shadows are made and what affects the size of a shadow.

Internet Safety Week 

This week we have been learning about staying safe on-line and thinking about the information that is potentially safe to share on-line and what we should not share on-line to stay safe.

DT Project - Structures


This week the children have begun their D.T. project for this term around structures.  Year 3 were given the design brief to design, make and evaluate a recyclable lunch box for children.  

African Drumming and Dancing


This week we were lucky to have a visit from some African Dance teachers.  They worked with us and taught us a dance to African drumming music.  It was exhausting work, but we had a lot of fun and were lucky enough to perform infront of the whole school at the end of the day.

Poetry Performance - The Owl and The Pussy Cat by Edward Lear


This week we have been studying poetry in our reading sessions to celebrate National Poetry Day on the 6th October 2022.  We enjoyed reading the well-known poem by Edward Lear "The Owl and the Pussycat".  We spent time looking at the rhymes and flow of the poem and thinking about how the poem should be read.  I was really impressed with the children's enthusiasm with taking the poem home and practising ready to perform in front of the rest of the class.  Well done!



Kents Cavern Trip 29th September 2022


In Year 3 we have been learning about the Stone Age in history and about Rocks in Science, so what better place to go than to Kents Cavern to fully immerse ourselves in our learning.


The children had a great time exploring in the cave and learning about how it was formed, they even saw lots of stalactites and stalagmites. They then got the chance to explore the woodland trail where they were greeted by several Stone Age creatures. Finally, the classes had the exciting opportunity to experience a range of authentic Stone Age artefacts.


It was a great day out and everyone had an excellent time furthering their knowledge about the Stone Age and Rocks.  

Remembering Queen Elizabeth II


We were so thrilled on our first day back in September to receive a letter form the Queen's Lady in Waiting on behalf of the Queen over the Summer Holidays.  She wrote in response to letter which we sent in the summer of year 2 when we celebrated the Platinum Jubilee.


Less than a week later, we were so saddened to hear of her passing on Thursday 8th September.  Following our commemorative assembly first thing on Friday morning, when we relected on the life and reign of the queen and how she also exemplified our school values, we spent time looking through some of the national papers to learn more about her long life and reign.  We also created some commemorative artwork of the Lily of the Valley - her favourite flower - which was part of her coronation bouquet back in 1953.
