Castle Primary School

'Adventure Together; Learn Forever'

Maths Intent

Maths Intent:

At Castle Primary, we are using NCETM Curriculum Prioritisation as the foundation of our maths curriculum as it promotes deep understanding and enables a mastery approach to the teaching of mathematics


The intention of teaching for mastery is to give all children access to equitable classrooms; classrooms where they can all participate and be influential, and classrooms where they are encouraged and supported to develop a deep connected and sustained understanding of the mathematics being explored.


From EYFS through to Year 6, the children are exposed to consistent images and representations which enable them to consolidate and further develop their understanding as they progress though the school.


We believe that talking is key to developing a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. Through our use of ‘Talk Expectations’, and stem sentences, oracy and maths talk is promoted in every single maths lesson, enabling the children to develop their reasoning and explanation skills whilst exploring and making conjectures.
