Castle Primary School

'Adventure Together; Learn Forever'


Mr Martin - Contact Email: 

Here's the link to practise the dance for the assembly - 

17.5.21 - Last week before half term!

In our class, we have been designing Maya headdresses and then we created them using cardboard and oil pastels, it was really fun and we were all very proud of what we made.

In English we have been completing our non-fiction information texts all about the Mayans - you would never believe how much we now know about them.

In maths this week we have started recapping on fractions. We have been looking at how to simplify them and also how to find equivalent fractions.

Maya headdresses

The Mayans so far..... 

We have had a great week in year six! We have learnt so much about the Mayans and the way they used to live. We have now learnt about:

  • Pok-a-Tok, a dangerous ball game, that was once played.
  • The Maya diet.
  • Maya houses. 
  • Where they come from and how long their civilisation lasted. 
  • What their social class system was like. 
  • Who they worshipped and where they did it. 
  • Where some of their major cities were located.
  • And much, much more.


Together as a class we have been deciding which civilisation was most successful, The Maya or the Vikings. At the moment it's all pretty close! Watch this space for further updates as we continue our topic.  

Bikeability May 2021

Our new topic for Summer term 1 is 'THE MAYA VS THE VIKINGS!' See below for an overview of what we will be learning throughout this history unit. 

Winter Watch pictures 


On Thursday 28th Key stage 2 took part in the Winter watch, during the day many activities were completed including a photography competition, which the children loved. Here are some of the magnificent pictures taken by the children. 

Year 6 home learning 6.1.2021

Year 6 home learning 11.1.21

Remembrance Day - Lest we forget.
During our art lessons, year six created superb pieces of work using a range of mediums. Working in groups they created compositions based on their local surroundings. These pieces of work were inspired by local artist Heather Strong. 

Friday 9.10.20 - Mental health awareness day.

Let's Unite Topic Overview
