Castle Primary School

'Adventure Together; Learn Forever'

Key Stage 2

TT Rockstars


Click on the login in tab, then select school pupils.

From here you may be asked to find the school, if prompted, simply type in the school postcode, EX16 6QR and select the school.

Your child will know their login and password but if they are unsure, it will be in their green reading record book. If done correctly, they will have access to all the options that are available to them in school.


Accelerated Reader


It must be this specific URL as it is specific to our school, any other URL will not let your child login.

Your child will know the login for this, if not it is also written in the green reading record.

This will allow them to quiz on the books they have read if they are on the sites system.


AR Book Finder Visit

When you gain access to the website, simply select student. From here you are able to search for specific books or topics that are available to quiz on Accelerated reader. You do not need a login in to use this site.


Spelling Frame


This is a free to use resource that provides different spelling rules for the children to learn and then apply them in tests and practice games. You do not need to register or login.


Hour of Code and

Visit  or 

From each website, simply select the ‘try it’ option. From here you will have access to numerous coding programmes. Most children will be familiar with this so understanding the website should not be an issue.




From here select the create tab and it will open up the project page and allow you to create your own projects. This is also free of charge and does not require a login.
