Castle Primary School

'Adventure Together; Learn Forever'

The Halloween Disco is on Thursday 24th October. Please make sure you've booked your child's place via School Gateway.


Welcome to our class page! 

Here you will find out about what we are learning in class.

If you have any queries, please do contact me on 

I will aim to get back to you as quickly as I can. 

Enjoy looking! 


Mrs Retter

We enjoyed sharing some non-fiction books together in the shade.

Food Chains


Despite having to go back to remote learning, we have continued our learning about teeth!

Last week, Niamh had a trip to the dentist! 


Here are her instructions on how to keep your teeth clean! 


Step 1. Prepare your toothbrush. 

Step 2. Wash your brush.

Step 3. Squeeze a small amount of toothpaste on your toothbrush.

Step 4. Brush your teeth for 3 minutes in a circular motion. 

Step 5. Make sure you brush each individual tooth.

Step 6. Spit it out and wash your mouth with mouthwash.

The Digestive System! 

We have been exploring the Digestive system, following the journey of food from the mouth, down the oesophagus, into the stomach, where it is mixed with acid, through the small intestines – which we learned were around 7m long(!) through the large intestine and then excreted from the body.


We consolidated our knowledge through a practical experiment using a banana, some crackers, orange juice (to represent stomach acid) and water! 

We reused recycling to make our own animals... Can you tell what animals we made?

World Ocean Day! More photos will be coming soon...

Learning about 'taxonomy' - grouping animals according to features they have in common.

Summer 2 Topic Overview

Some quotes from the children:


"This term we have been learning about the Anglo-Saxons and how they lived their life. My favourite part was learning about the social hierarchy. I now know how each social class lived and what their life was like." 


"I have enjoyed reading Beowulf... Especially the parts when he killed the monsters! We then got to design our own monster and write the story of how Beowulf killed them!" 


"We examined photos of the artefacts that were found at the burial site, Sutton Hoo. We thought carefully about who these belonged to and what we can tell about that person." 




Our finished brooches...

Researching, Designing and Making Anglo-Saxon Brooches.

A trip to the reading cabin!

Finding the Missing Number - Addition and Subtraction

WANTED! We have been learning all about Anglo-Saxon Crime and Punishment.

A visit from the Year 1 chicks!

Acting out conversations between Beowulf and Grendel.

Anglo-Saxon Social Hierarchy

Enjoying some Anglo Saxon books...

Sharing some of our Roman learning.

Developing Expanded Noun Phrases

British Science Week - Lab Coat Competition

Voting for our new class book! The winning book was 'The Wild Robot' by Peter Brown.

Celtic Roundhouse - Wattle and Daub Investigation

Comparing the Roman Army and Celtic Warriors

Lockdown 3.0 


If you are looking for home learning please find it under the home learning tab.

Volcano Models!

My Movie 1.mp4

Still image for this video

Winter Watch!

Our writing inspired by watching a volcanic eruption...

Italian Recipes!

Italian Cuisine Menus

Expanding Noun Phrases 


On our teams session today we looked at expanding nouns to add detail. Below are some of the phrases we came up with...


  • the rolling blue ocean
  • the massive, burning hot volcano
  • the flaming hot lava
  • the rough and bumpy rocks
  • the dark grey smoke which has ash in
  • the boiling hot magma
  • the freezing cold, blue ocean 
  • the steaming hot lava
  • the gigantic, explosive volcano
  • the boiling hot magma, which is steaming

Italian Regional Food




On Monday, you were asked to write some sentences using the present progressive tense.
Here are some examples I got sent:

  • The volcano is spewing out scorching volcanic ash.
  • The volcano is erupting.
  • The lava is flowing to the sea.
  • The magma is destructive .
  • The volcano is spewing lava.
  • Flames are blazing out of the crater.
  • The volcano is spurting ash and smoke into the air.
  • Rocks are tumbling down the volcano.

Art Work inspired by Laura Porteous

Researching The Alps!

Our Hopes and Dreams


Finding Factors!

Learning about the structure of Earth with National Oak Academy

Spelling Strategies

A surprise message from Father Christmas!

Our light up Christmas cards... We put our learning of electrical circuits to use and made a paper circuit.

Christmas Jumper Day!

Our visit to Tiverton Castle!

Children in Need - Friday 13th November 2020

Armistice Day - 11.11.2020

In Maths we have been looking at geometry, especially quadrilaterals . We learnt about vertical, horizontal, parallel and perpendicular lines. We then applied our learning and made collages inspired by Piet Mondrian.

Creating 3D shapes and identifying their properties.

Creating Model Water Cycles

A River - Writing inspired of Marc Martin

Hello Yellow Day - Friday 9th October

Autumn Term Home Learning Choices

Tiverton - A Tale of Two Rivers
