Castle Primary School

'Adventure Together; Learn Forever'

School returns on Wednesday 4th September - Tuesday 3rd is a non-pupil day.



What is the Prevent strategy?


Prevent is a government strategy designed to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorist or extremist causes.


The Prevent strategy covers all types of terrorism and extremism, including the extreme right wing, violent Islamist groups and other causes.


From July 2015 all schools have a duty to safeguard children from radicalisation and extremism. We do this by training our staff to be able to recognise those who may be vulnerable to radicalisation and know what to do when they are identified. We ensure we build pupils’ resilience to radicalisation by promoting fundamental British values and enabling them to challenge extremist views.


The Prevent strategy is not just about discussing extremism itself, which may not be appropriate for younger children. However, it is about teaching children values such as tolerance and mutual respect.


Below is a great website for further information, advice and support about how you can help safeguard your child from radicalisation.
