Castle Primary School

'Adventure Together; Learn Forever'

Parents/Carers are invited to meet their child's class teaching team 3.20-3.40pm: Yrs 3&4 09/09, Yrs 1&2 10/09, Reception 11/09. Yr5 and Yr6 12/09


Mrs Paton - Contact Email: 

Food Chains


Summer 2 Topic Overview

We love our new Reading Cabin!

The Anglo Saxons are here.

The Romans have left Britannia so we are learning about the next 'Raiders & Invaders' who stepped in to fill the power void created by their withdrawal - here come the Anglo Saxons! We have particularly enjoyed reading 'Monster Slayer' - and adaptation of the epic poem 'Beowulf' written in the 6th Century. Over the coming weeks, we will be using 'Beowul'f as a stimulus to write our own stories about overcoming the monster.

It's stopped raining! We're out!!!

Making a Celtic Roundhouse (Kind of)

We had great fun learning how the Celts used wattle daub to make their roundhouses. Getting the daub to stick to the wattle was trickier than we thought but we were glad that we didn't have to use animal dung in our mix like the Celts would have!

Lockdown Learning


Even though we are not all together, we are sharing many learning experiences no matter where we are! Have a look through some of the wonderful things that we have been doing both at home and at school.

Kung Hei Fat Choy


We have been learning about the traditions and celebrations of Chinese New Year, including Lantern making, the story of the Chinese Zodiac, dragons and even Tai Chi!

Well Being Wednesday


As part of Children's Mental Health Week, we have had a 'Well Being Wednesday' where we could try a range of calming mindful activities and have a well earned break away from the screen!

Winter Watch


The children have been encouraged to get out and about this week to celebrate 'Winter Watch' and experience the wonders of nature. Enjoy looking at their photograph of their exploits and the art work it inspired.

Italian Cuisine


As part of our 'Viva Italia' topic, the children have been researching typical Italian dishes. They found their own authentic Italian recipes and cooked them for their families. Boun appetito!

Hopes and Dreams

Apart but Together

As lockdown begins, please take a look at the learning we are engaged in no matter where we are in Tiverton!

What an exciting term we have had, full of learning and laughter! Through our topic, 'Let's Unite', we have learned about coming back together as a school community. We have also developed our knowledge of local community -  learning about the rivers which flow through our town and the history which has made our home in Tiverton the place it is today.


We have visited Tiverton Castle to see the site of the site of the 'Lovelorn Phantoms' and who can forget our walk round the graveyard to find Owen Riddle's plaque? 


There have also been exciting discoveries made through our Science learning about states of matter and electrical circuits. Who knew a pencil sharpener could be a conductor? 4CP knew!!!


Our term has ended with Christmas celebrations which have been slightly different than usual but joyful none the less. Please take a look at the photographs below which document our term and ask your child to tell you what they were learning about.



Please take a look at our fabulous writing below - a culmination of our English learning and History learning about our local area. 

Autumn Term Overview

Autumn 2

Please select from this menu of activities to support your learning if you have to be away from school for a few days. It is based around the topic that you have been learning about at school.

Autumn 1 Home Learning
