Castle Primary School

'Adventure Together; Learn Forever'

Christmas Lunch for pupils 18th December, will include lemonade and Lucky Golden Ticket prize per year group

YEAR 1/2

Welcome to our class page

We look forward to working with you all this year and hope you find our class page helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.


Mrs Ballard/Mrs Clark:

Miss Chapman:

Mrs Rivett/Mrs Clark:


On this page we will share information, work and photographs of your child's learning journey throughout the year. We hope you enjoy sharing in their learning with us

A copy of our Autumn topic can be found below under the heading 'Topic' Overviews'. 


Our PE days are:

Mrs Ballard and Mrs Rivvett on Wednesday

Miss Chapman on a Thursday.


Your child will need to come to school in their PE kit on these days. Please ensure your child also has a water bottle, a coat and their book bags with their Read Write Inc packs in everyday. 


Best Wishes

The Year 1/2 Team

Storm Day Home Learning

Keep warm, dry and safe everyone!


Below are some activities for you to complete:


  • Choose a season and draw a picture to represent it. Now add some facts that you know about your chosen season.


  • Draw a picture of the weather that you can see out of your window.

Year 1- Write a list of adjectives to describe what you can see.

Year 2- Write 2 sentences (or more) to describe what you can see. Remember to use adjectives in your writing.


Complete the maths activities using the PowerPoint for guidance and complete the sheet as you go along.






Topic Overviews

Home Learning

This term in DT we are designing, making and evaluating a trap to catch the Big Bad Wolf.
