Castle Primary School

'Adventure Together; Learn Forever'

Parent Questionnaire

Castle Primary - Questionnaire for Parents and Carers - Academic Year 2022-2023


At Castle Primary we continually strive to improve the service we offer. We welcome your views. To help us further, we would very much appreciate open and honest feedback in order to improve upon what we do. Accordingly, would you please find the time to complete the form below and return it to school. Thank you in anticipation.

The results of this will be discussed and shared at the next governor’s meeting and with staff so that we can make our school an even better place to be for pupils and parents. Parents’ suggestions are gratefully received and will be considered as we set our school development priorities for the future.

Please feel free to complete more than one response to this questionnaire if you have more than one child at the school and feel your responses would differ according to the particular child
