Castle Primary School

'Adventure Together; Learn Forever'

The Halloween Disco is on Thursday 24th October. Please make sure you've booked your child's place via School Gateway.

Year 5/6 CH

Spring Term 1 Topic Overview

History, the class have made an exciting discovery in the grounds of the school! A Bronze Age burial site. We made initial observations at the excavation and then took the discussion back to the classroom, where pupils used their deduction skills as archaeologists to classify the artefacts.

Crumble Computing, we have been lucky to have access to a class set of these amazing micro-controllers this term. The pupils have been learning about programming the controller, input and output devices as well as looping and selection commands. Check out the amazing and interactive display!

Science, this term we have been looking at 'Changing States of Matter' with a wide range of investigations. Here are a few photos of pupils conducting an experiment into whether different substances are soluble or insoluble.

School Trip, what a way to end a fascinating topic and a great half term. The class were so excited about our trip to Kents Cavern and it did not disappoint. Here are a few photos from inside the caves as our very informative and entertaining tour guide (Kev) showed us around.

Autumn Term Topic: Darwin and the Voyage of the HMS Beagle

Narrative Map & Sentence Stacking Wall

History, pupils have been researching Darwin's inventory for his voyage on the HMS Beagle and considering the similarities and differences in what they might pick for themselves in the modern day

Geography, mapping Darwin's five-year voyage using our new knowledge of Latitude and Longitude has given us the wider context for more specific case studies ahead

Science & Art, the pupils have been dissecting gladioli and labelling the parts of the flower to deepen our understanding of reproduction in flowering plants. We then used this knowledge to support our pencil sketch botanic illustrations, an approach Darwin and many other naturalists practiced in their observations of the natural world.

Art, Science & History, Darwin amassed a vast collection of specimens and fossils during his five-year voyage on the HMS Beagle. The pupils have used this research to create some fossilised tiles of their own. A range of materials have helped to create a 3D effect and we have decided to use bold colour schemes to make their designs stand out.

Science, Clippy Island Investigation. With a focus on adaption and variation in species the class have conducted an investigation into the fiction 'springbeaks'. How beak size and adverse weather events impact the survival of different variations within a species. Will the big or small beaks be able to collect enough food to not just survive but thrive?
