Castle Primary School

'Adventure Together; Learn Forever'

Parents/Carers are invited to meet their child's class teaching team 3.20-3.40pm: Yrs 3&4 09/09, Yrs 1&2 10/09, Reception 11/09. Yr5 and Yr6 12/09

Year 3 - Mr Fullerton

Welcome to our Year 3 class page.


On this page you will find the overview of our learning for each term. I will also be uploading photographs of experiences, learning and examples of pupil's work.


Please do contact me through the class email if you have any questions.


Please remember our class will be doing PE on Tuesday and Friday each week and the pupils will need to come into school in PE uniform, which is a white t-shirt, black shorts or leggings/jogging trousers. 

Please ensure pupils have their school jumper and a coat, a water bottle and their reading record with them each day.


Mr Fullerton



Science: Rock Hunt



Kents Cavern


In Year 3 we have been learning about the Stone Age in history and about Rocks in Science, so what better place to go than to Kents Cavern to fully immerse ourselves in our learning.


The children had a great time exploring in the cave and learning about how it was formed, they even saw lots of stalactites and stalagmites. They then got the chance to explore the woodland trail where they were greeted by several Stone Age creatures. Finally, the classes had the exciting opportunity to experience a range of authentic Stone Age artefacts.


It was a great day out and everyone had an excellent time furthering their knowledge about the Stone Age and Rocks.  



Maths - Making 100 with 2 or more addends.




African Dance and Drumming



DT Project - Recyclable Lunch Boxes 


This term we have been looking at structures in DT. The children had all been set a task to design, make and evaluate a recyclable lunch box for children to use. 
