Castle Primary School

'Adventure Together; Learn Forever'

Parents/Carers are invited to meet their child's class teaching team 3.20-3.40pm: Yrs 3&4 09/09, Yrs 1&2 10/09, Reception 11/09. Yr5 and Yr6 12/09

Religious Education

RE has an important place in the curriculum of our school, providing a safe place for our children to develop their understanding of people, cultures, faiths and relationships.  RE can make a key educational contribution to pupils' exploration of British Values of Mutual tolerance, Respectful attitudes, Democracy, The rule of law and Individual liberty.

At Castle primary school we follow the Devon and Torbay syllabus 2019-2024, which sets out detailed and extensive programmes that enable our children to gain a coherent understanding of religions and world views, preparing them for life in 21st century Britain, promoting tolerance, empathy and an understanding of the world around them. The syllabus is suitable for pupils who have religious faith of their own as well as those who have no religious faith.

Our curriculum is taught using a creative and interactive learning environment incorporating drama, art and discussion and recorded work.  The major world religions of Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism and Islam and are interwoven and themes are returned to and revisited as our children move up the school.
