Castle Primary School

'Adventure Together; Learn Forever'

Year 1 BC

Parent information

Summer 2- We have dived straight into our learning on Christopher Columbus and it has really caught our imaginations. The children became detectives and used sources to find out all about his journey and then drew his boat. We then made a gallery where we showed off our learning to each other. It has been lovely to see the children to enthusiastic about History and Geography. Some of the children brought in maps and globes and it made us all stop in our tracks and explore them!

Summer 1- Ready, steady, grow!

We have started our learning on collages. We looked at some examples, tried it out and then began collecting natural resources to make our own!

We have begun our learning about Jack and the Beanstalk. We have ordered the story in teams, made puppets and put on shows with them!

Happy World Book Day!

This morning, we arrived and 2 of our eggs had hatched over night! It was such a fantastic start to the day! We then set up their brooder box with every child doing something to help. We were then lucky enough to watch a chick hatch out of the egg. Some of us could just watch the chicks all day! We have seen so much kindness towards the chicks from the children today.

Our exciting visitors have arrived!!!

Today we were visited by local artist Belinda Reynell. We were so grateful for her time and what a fantastic opportunity for the children! She showed us some of her paintings and took questions. We then had a go at creating our own sunny and stormy seascapes. The children's contributions to the session were great. Jayden began by telling Belinda that his day was great already because she was in it. Harry carried on the positivity by clapping after every piece of art she shared. Lewis wondered if she had ever painted a bat and Macaulay suggested that that could be her next challenge! Reggie wondered whether Belinda had painted a dark city and Dylan asked about painting the different seasons.

Writing with love! We received letters back from our penpals. The children wrote back and all hearts were warmed by how much love was put into the letters!

Sail away!

We are learning from the book Mrs Armitage and the big wave. Year 1 worked together to create Mrs Armitage. They considered what might be in her pockets! Great imagination Year 1!

We have become Scientists! We have been learning to carry out experiments. First we explored floating and sinking.

Then we tested how absorbent materials are.

Today, we got visited by a pirate who taught us about how to protect the seas and all the creatures in it through recycling!

Today, we explored maps and viewed where Exmouth, Tiverton and Farne Island (Grace Darling) were on the map. We discussed which places had beaches and why and explored the language of coast, cliff, shop, sea, beach and other key vocabulary. We then applied our understand by making these in a way of our choice.

Our Tiverton Castle trip! We had such a great time and the children were fantastic explorers!

Becoming Scientists!

To carry on with our learning about seasons, we observed the colours in the seasons and then used our art skills to mix colours. Then we very carefully created works of beauty! Look at our concentraction!

Today, we began learning about the seasons. We went on a welly walk to observe signs of winter. We unpicked what 'observe' meant and what we would look like if we were observing. After our walk, we drew what we found out in our lovely new outdoor classroom.


We have been designing a toy castle with a moving part. Today we made them!

Our penpals (elderly people from local residential accommodation) wrote back!

We have been keeping fit! We tried out the new equipment today! We love it!

Castles, dragons and knights!

For our DT learning, we are making a toy castle with a moving part. We have explored toys with moving parts and today we learnt how to make a pivot and a slider mechanism. Here we are with our practise sliders. They are helping us to learn the skills but also helping us to think about our designs.

Today, we started our history learning. We started by drawing or writing anything we already knew about Castles. We then used each other as sources and added to our sheet with other children’s ideas. Then we used books and clips to find out more and added more to our pictures and notes. We then considered questions we would like to find out. We want to know: Where do dragons sleep? Did they have dogs in the castles? How did they make weapons? How did they make shields? Did they have teleporters? How do you shoot arrows? Did they have food?

Super Me!

Today we learnt how to do a portrait of ourselves! We practised on whiteboards and then did our very best version. This was a really important piece because it is going to our brand new penpals. They are elderly people from local residential accommodation. We can't wait to get their portraits back!

We have been learning about what makes humans super! We have learnt about the senses and the body parts which humans have. We drew around each other and labelled the parts of the body.

We are learning about the book 'Supertato'! We have been searching for evil peas (reading the clues), making traps to catch them and trying to work out what happened to these poor vegetables!

Supertato wrote us a letter asking for us to make him a new Super Hero protector while he was away on holiday. He said that it has to be a healthy hero who has super speed and super strength! We started by sorting healthy food and foods which are better to have just a small bit of and then begin designing our hero. We wrote what we needed to make our Super Hero.

Here's our Superheroes!


Here we are practising our reading in all different sorts of ways in our continuous provision.

Look at how brilliant we are at listening and helping our reading partners. We do this everyday so that we practise our reading as much as we can!

Today some creatures appeared in our classroom! They told us that they were reading buddies and they needed homes to go to. They have to be read to 5 times a week to keep them happy! We chose a reading buddy each, gave it a name and started to read to it! They are off to our homes to live!

Our first week in Year 1 (continuous provision)!
