Castle Primary School

'Adventure Together; Learn Forever'

Year 5 - Mrs Retter

DESIGN TECHNOLOGY - Can you recognise your favourite playground equipment?


Wow! Look at what our prints look like as wallpaper...

Nature prints inspired by William Morris.

Sketching nature in the school grounds to gain inspiration for our prints.

We have starting looking at the work of William Morris and will be producing prints in his style.

Programming crumbles to create an alarm system with at least two different outputs.

Still image for this video

Why was it necessary for children to be evacuated and what was it really like?

Investigating area using square metres.

WW2 Evacuee Day. A huge thank you to these children and their families for wonderful costumes and props. Days like this really help bring our learning alive.

Developing our colour mixing in art.

Investigating solubility and saturation.

In computing, we have learnt how to programme crumbles so that the sparkle flashes different colours.

Sharing stories of heroism and bravery from our ancestors.

Our lanterns were finally used at our church service! They looked great when they had the lights in.

We had a festive morning morning making Christingles and Christmas cards with our families.

We love taking our class reading scrapbook home to add a page about our favourite books and authors!

Our working wall is added to daily and shows our learning journey.

Some of our clay figures drying. We are looking forward to organising them into an installation when they are finally dry!

Wow! This book has had our entire class engrossed and we were often asking for more to be read as most chapters ended at a dramatic plot point.

During our computing lessons, we have started to create our own vector drawings.

Using clay to create our own freestanding figures. We think each one of these figures has their own little personality!

Miss Chapman came to talk to us about her very exciting Mount Kilimanjaro expedition. We were able to use some of this information in our non-fiction texts about Mount Kilimanjaro.

During our science lessons, we have been thinking about properties of materials and why certain materials are chosen for specific items.

What division calculation has been represented?

In art, we the sculpture artist Antony Gormley. We noticed that most of his sculptures are based around the human body. We then looked at the installation 'A field for the British Isles' in more depth.

Cross curricular maths - Interpreting tables showing average temperatures recorded at Everest Base Camp. We then plotted the data on a line graph.

Internet Safety - What information is okay to share?

VOLCANOES: A suitable home?

Some of Y5 stayed after school to make willow lanterns for the Tiverton Christmas Light Parade. Unfortunately, this was cancelled due to the weather but we are planning on using them at out school carol concert.

What role do plate tectonics play in the formation of a volcano?

In maths, we have been using manipulatives to embed our understanding of multiplication.

What is a mountain and where are mountains found? How are mountains formed?

We found out all about Norgay Tenzing and Edmund Hillary who were the first humans to successfully reach the summit of Mount Everest!

To start of our learning we answered the enquiry question 'What can we find out about Mount Everest?'

Darrel Wakelam... The Cardboard King!

Sharing our learning with our families.

Our final scones... fit for a Victorian afternoon tea!

Our finished bridges!

Constructing our bridges...

Will they meet our design criteria?  

1. The bridge must span  the gap of 35cm in length.

2. The bridge must be able to support 200 grams at every point of structure.

3. The design must be both stable and aesthetically pleasing. 

Investigating bridges and the impact an arch has on the structure.

Summer Reader Challenge Finishers... Well done for showing our Castle Value, Lifelong Learning!

Large scale drawings of Brunel's aqueduct at Halberton

Carrying out a sensory investigation on possible ingredients for out design technology scone project.

Our working wall is filling up linked to our history learning.

We have been very busy learning about tenths in maths!

During our PE lessons with Mr S, we have started developing our gymnastic skills.

We enjoyed learning about the difference between mass and weight. We then used a force meter to measure the mass in grams and the weight in Newtons of a range of objects.

We learnt about the engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel and the impact he had during the Industrial Revolution. In art, we developed our mark making techniques so that we could complete a pencil/pen drawing of the Clifton Suspension Bridge.

We started our learning about forces by investigating how a range of surfaces create different amounts of friction.